Black Origin Wagyu began in 2015 and has since been tirelessly rearing stock to the quality and levels needed to supply the best restaurants and consumers. They combine the origin of Japanese breeding genetics and 200 year old techniques with New Zealand’s grass, grain, water and air.

This combination of cultures with the harmony between Japanese respect and modesty and Kiwi drive is fundamental to ensure they create one of the finest, premium Wagyu products in the world. The purity of Wagyu is determined by genetic origins. True to this legacy, Black Origin has maintained both the quality of the breed and the authenticity of its flavour.

It’s this combination of respected Japanese Wagyu mastery, nutrient-rich Canterbury grains, and high-quality mineral-rich water, direct from the Southern Alps, that make ours such a magnificent product. Of course, the proof is in the eating, and the chefs that have experienced Black Origin, already consider it to be the best Wagyu.

Visit Black Origin Wagyu here


Sam Ellis has been working with flour and water for the best part of his life. With years spent in bakery kitchens and every other second fixating over the art of baked goods, he decided to stay up late one night in November 2013 to hand-roll, boil and bake bagels. They were wheeled in boxes to the Christchurch Farmers’ Market the following morning.

It didn’t take long for the market gig to boom into the full-blown bread biz it is today. Nowadays, Grizzly Baked Goods is made up of a team of eight bakers, including Sam’s wife Sara, specialising in real sourdough bread, pastries, donuts and – of course – bagels. Each week, countless dozens of baked goods are delivered to cafés, restaurants, caterers and bread-lovin’ homes

You’ll still find the Grizzly market stall going strong every Saturday at Riccarton Bush and in early Spring 2018, the hole-in-the-wall bakery opened at Grizzly HQ, 33 Buchan Street, Christchurch.

Visit Grizzly Baked Goods here

European Bakery [Queenstown]

Started by Andre and Daniela Schneider who missed the old-world breads of their European roots saw the opportunity to bring bread made the old-fashioned way to Queenstown. The old fashioned way – the way that takes time. Time for the bread to be kneaded and form, time to proof and rise, giving it the artisan crumb and crust European Bakery is known for.

When Peter Price and Amanda O’Donoghue took over the European Bakery in August 2019, they knew what they were taking on. As long term fans of the European Bakery they were excited when it came onto the market. The ethos spoke to them – that of producing a consistently high quality product, building and developing a team of artisan bakers who can deliver this, and continuing with the exceptional reputation the European Bakery has been known for. With it came the responsibility of feeding and nourishing the sourdough dough culture that Andre developed 15 years ago. The sourdough starter is possibly one of the oldest starters used in this scale in New Zealand, it is the heartbeat of the bakery and the creates the benchmark sourdough breads the bakery is known and loved for.

Peter and Amanda have a connection with Queenstown which dates back to the late ‘80s, the population was 5000, Wicked’s was one of the main watering holes and there were no traffic lights. A lot has changed since then but their passion for this Queenstown hasn’t. They have come and gone over the years with careers in hospitality and banking, however the appeal of Queenstown as a place to live and bring up their family ultimately bought them back to this place they call home.

Visit European Bakery here


In 2006, using their great-grandmother Lala's recipe, they started McClure's. Growing up in Michigan making pickles every summer with their family. Bob having moved away to New York working as an actor and Joe pursuing a career in classical guitar and a PhD remained in Detroit.

They decided to dust off the old family recipe and give it a shot as a business and started making the original pickle recipe in Brooklyn, NY and Detroit, MI. They continued to grow the business and in 2009 brought all manufacturing back to Michigan (one of the largest cucumber growers in the US) along with a partner warehouse in New York.

McClures use as much local produce as possible when it is in season and when it's not, they call up the farms and speak directly with the growers to know where the produce is coming from and how it is being grown making sure they are getting some of the best, freshest produce available. Every jar is hand-packed by one of their talented team members.

All products are all-natural, gluten-free (pickles, relish, bloody mary, all-natural chips, brine), and kosher-certified (Michigan Kosher Supervisors, OU).

Visit McCLures Pickles here